We won!

We asked veterans’ advocates like you to call their Representatives and demand they vote “NO” on S. 114, which called for the gradual privatization of VA health care. 

The response was overwhelming, and this dangerous piece of legislation was voted down this week! THANK YOU.

The troubling bill would have sent billions of dollars into the private sector through the Choice Program, using veterans' benefits to pay for it. Plus, it would have put no new resources into VA to address critical infrastructure and staffing shortages.

Congress is now moving on new legislation, which will:

  • Seek to fix the funding shortfall of the Choice Program, so veterans who wait too long or travel too far for VA care can continue to receive care closer to home;
  • Make urgently needed improvements to the VA health care system;
  • Improve hiring and training for VA doctors;
  • Authorize the VA to enter into 28 leases for medical facilities, which would expand the VA's footprint throughout the country.

Together, our swift action is key in the fight against VA privatization. Watch your email for more critical updates in the fight for veterans’ rights. 

Veterans of Foreign Wars, 406 West 34th Street, Kansas City, MO 64111
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